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iLife for Education




• Recording and editing audio

• Adding loops and thematic sounds

• Collaborating and sharing audio    projects



• Capturing and organising photos

• Editing and sharing photos

• Creating and collaborating on
 Web Journals



• Recording video

• Editing video

• Creating movies and trailers




This workshop is for educators who want to enhance learning and teaching with iLife

apps on Mac computers, iPad or iPod touch.



Participants build fundamental skills in iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand by creating,

documenting and sharing learning activities and resources.


Learning outcomes for this workshop include:

• Identify the unique and combined strengths of iLife apps for learning and teaching

• Create, edit and share audio recordings, photo albums and movie projects

• Develop strategies with iLife apps to share, collaborate and personalise learning



Workshop length: 1 day (6 hours)

Maximum number of participants: 20


Site resource/technical requirements:

– Internet access

– Projector

– Projector and screen

– Mac computers or iOS devices with default settings

– For optimal learning, provide participants with:

   â€¢ the same model of the same device

   â€¢ devices assigned for the year


Individual participant requirements:

–  A Mac with the latest version of OS X or an activated iOS device (second-generation
   iPad or newer, or fourth-generation
 iPod touch or newer), with the latest version of iOS 

– A personal Apple ID

– Headphones with mic (optional)

– Basic iOS navigation skills

– The latest version of the following apps:

    • iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, iBooks and iTunes U




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